10 July 2010

Clear Lake Feedbag: Wig Wam

Okay, one more post, then I can get back to writing about food that I actually want to eat, rather than food I ate to keep me alive.

Somewhat (in)famous* around the Clear Lake area for its incredibly slow service, the Wig Wam aspires to Moxie's-level chain restaurant food, with a vaguely racist wood-panelled tee-pee theme to the interior. We sat on the giant, well-appointed patio, though (natch).

I had the turkey avocado burger, mainly because I'm currently obsessed with avocados. I fully expected (and received) a frozen, mostly tasteless turkey patty, but the fries were decent. What can I say? I'm starting to feel like a snobby jerk dumping all over these middling, uninspired, chain-esque restaurants. I am sure there MUST be decent meal to be had in Clear Lake; I just was on vacation, and with friends, and I went with the flow. Trust me, I'm much more insufferable on this blog than in person. Hopefully, anyway.

True to the word on the street, the service was indeed incredibly slow. I'm pretty sure about fifteen minutes elapsed between ordering drinks and mains, and it was in the neighbourhood of thirty minutes to receive our orders. We kept trying to figure out exactly why it was so slow; there seemed to be plenty of wait staff buzzing around. Inadequately staffed kitchen? Who knows? I'm done thinking about it...now.

Price tag: Most entrees around $12-17.

Website: Nuh-uh.

*I had originally written "famed" here, when I realized that "infamous" was probably the more accurate label to apply. Famous/infamous, but not famed/infamed? English is weird. /nerd

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